My Credentials
Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the State of Texas
Masters is Clinical Social Work from Hunter College, New York City, New York
Bachelor’s in Psychology from University of Texas at Austin
Over 2 years training in Dance Movement Therapy
Over the last 10 years, I have worked as an individual, family and group therapist in different clinical settings. I have worked with adults (ages 18-80) from diverse ethnic backgrounds, couples, families, LGBTQ-identified individuals, adults with severe mental health diagnoses and substance use issues, as well as the criminal justice population. Prior to social work, I worked as a lead preschool teacher. Over the last 6 years, I have worked primarily with adults, youth, families, couples belonging to LGBTQ population.
In addition to my education, I have received extensive training in:
Gender Therapy (3 years of one -on-one, intensive, clinical training with Austin’s premier gender specialist, Katy Koonce, LCSW)
Shamanism in the Therapeutic Process
Kink/Non-monogamous Relationships
Voice Work/Singing/Performance Art
Feminist Earth-based Spirituality
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Motivational Interviewing
Dance Movement Therapy